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  • Library :The school library is at building up stage. It stocks good interesting books of different subjects useful for students up to class XII. A substantial No. of books is added to it every year. Every class has a compulsory library period every week where children are encouraged to develop their reading habits under the supervision of subject teachers. The library subscribes to a wide range of magazines and newspapers. School library has over 3000 books on different topics for all the classes. Along with this, we subscribe 6 newspapers and 10 monthly magazines.
  • Medical Examination : The school has a committee which carries out periodic medical checkup for all students. The school maintains health records of the students. Parents are informed of the observations made by the concerned authority.
Tour – Treks and Picnic
Educational tours are conducted every year to provide an opportunity to the students to explore and learn the culture and history of the country. Such tours give them a chance to understand the meaning of community living and develop a feeling of fellowship.
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